The Condor Connection is NOT an active participant in any sales or trades of VHF/UHF equipment. This page is offered for the ease and convenience of its users. The Condor Connection will NOT be liable for errors or omissions in listings. Every effort will be made to list equipment as described by seller.
Pricing is established by the seller. The Condor Connection takes NO position as to the condition, value or operability of listed equipment. Listings will be purged after 60 days. May be relisted.
FOR SALE:$50.00
RF Concepts 3 watts in 20 out 220 Amp
503-680-6910 Call before 6:00pm, text or email
Kurt KB7VTC In Quaratzsite Az, soon to be in Victorville, Ca
Have for sale email list to wb6bru (lazymoon@gmail.com)